RFID Based Solid Waste Management System (WasteTrack)

RFID Waste Truck Monitoring

RFID LogTrack is a state-of-the-art system that is built using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in a combination to provide monitoring and visibility into the internal as well as external operations of the Truck Movement Tracking in various organizations.

Why WasteTrack?

According to industry experts “Companies appreciate huge loss of working hours & ROI due to manual process of operations.”

WasteTrack Mitigates inefficiency & improves enterprise operational cost.

Component of LogTrack:
  • UHF RFID Reader
  • UHF RFID Windshield Tags
  • Traffic Light
  • Buzzer
  • GPS Device
  • WinApp
  • WebApp
How it works:-
  • Process and System will be implemented to only allow registered to the facilities.
  • Entry of unauthorized vehicles will not get any weight on weight bridge and no loading point will be allotted to the vehicle .
  • Provision will be provided to Issue or Return the tag for a vehicle. Complete record of who Issued, when Issued and when Returned will be maintained in a System.
  • Time of Entry/Exit Recorded: Time of each entry and exits will show the efficiency of each operations and also the current location of vehicle.
  • Truck weight: Weigh Bridge will record the weight of the loaded vehicle. Weight record will also contain other information such as date and time stamp of when the vehicle was weighed and vehicle number.
  • Store Data Locally: System will store data at locally to avoid any network related issues.
  • Synchronization: as the transaction happened data is synchronized with central server to show the report globally.